Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wretched Excess

I wish for a lot of things.
Things I don't need. Things I could get myself. Things...
Wants and desires and needs.

I think fear has a lot to do with it.
I want things I can't have. I want things I don't need. I want things so I don't regret anything. I want things out of greed.
Wanting and wishing and wasting away.

But you never get anywhere unless you turn the page and leave little pieces of you behind. You never go anywhere if you stay on the same path. You have to come out of the shell some time.
Or else
It's just wanting and wishing and wasting away.

1 comment:

sarah said...

"But you never get anywhere unless you turn the page."

me like . so true .

& welcome to blogspot xD lets see how long this one will last !